We are doing a independent novel study. So we have to read a book and there are task to do about the book. My book is really good.It is about a ninjas. Here are some work I did.
My novel’s main character is Taka. Taka is really nice person. He dislikes Renzo his rival, Renzo bullies Taka. He likes his best friend Cho, they have each other's back. He likes his family and being a ninja. His responsibility is to keep his clan and village safe. His roles is being a ninja, being a son and being a friend.
This is a ending that I wrote.
All of us start heading to lord Odas village, I feel pretty confident that we will win this fight. We go through the forest and we can see his village. “We have take down these security silently so Lord Oda doesn't hear us coming” Renzo said. There was 4 guards, we all threw some ninja stars at them. They all fell down silently. Lord Oda was teaching his students. I told Cho to come out of nowhere so they don’t know you're here. We silently went inside and fought the students. I hit them with some kicks and so did Cho and Renzo. Now it is only Lord Oda left. ”You people think you can beat me? Good luck.” Lord Oda said. I threw a ninja star at him and he moved I missed. We went around him. We started fighting him and he was like a ninja God. He used the death touch on Renzo. Renzo screamed while falling to the ground. Lord Oda grabbed me from the neck and said “You guys think you can beat me?” Until he said something else, Cho came out of nowhere and put her sword in to Lord Odas heart. Cho saved my life. We quickly got Renzo and ran back to the village. Renzo was screaming. We took Renzo to the Grandmaster and the Grandmaster took away the “Death Touch”. Now Renzo, Cho and I are one of the best ninjas